Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog # 5 = Yen Le Espiritu "All Men Are Not Created Equal"

In the article "All Men Are Not Created Equal: Asian Men in U.S History" by Yen Le Espiritu presented another story of white men humiliating minority. Asian american  men were treated like criminals after the attacked of Pearl Harbor. This madness reminded me of the Nazis and Jews. Just like the German Nazis treated like animals the Jew, Americans treated the same way Asian americas, but without the killing part. In masculine perspective Asian americas were feminized by the american society. They were pushed to do low class feminine labor such as laudry, cooking, cleaning the house, etc. But are not males all equal ? According to Yen Le Espitu and Manning Marable from "The Black Male:Searching Beyond Stereotype" race plays a big roll defining masculinity.
The Experiences of Asian male domestic service workers demostrate that not all men benefits equally from Pathiarchy. Depending on their race and class, men experience gender differently. While male domination of women may tie all men together, men share unequally in the fruits of this domination(Yen Le Espiritu: Pg 3)
Not being White in this society transforms you into a low life "not human" entity. White discrimination and the fight over power will always keep the minorities oppress and it doen not matter if you are men o women. What it really matters is money and race.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Who's the Man ?

"The Male Myth" by Paul Theroux and "The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes" by Manning Marable showed the that masculinity is cruel, even though Paul Theroux defines male in general and Manning difines black male only, they both agree that being masculinine is relate it to cruelty and opression over women. In the essay "the Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes" by Manning Marable explained "White women viewed black man like he was simply a beast of burden..." 

“The Male Myth” by Paul Theroux p. 101-105
Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers edited by Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker, 7th edition published in New York by Pearson Longman in 2008]

“The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes” by Manning Marable p. 17-23
Men’s Lives edited by Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner,  5 edition published in New York by Allyn & Bacon in 2001]
To Be Continued...