In modern society men always is expected to get higher paid jobs than women, this is created by some kind of unaware pathology called “Glass Escalator” where the men is awarded with higher positions because their sex.
For example a male teacher most likely will be the next principle, simple because the fact that he is expected to be stricter with the students instead of a softy female teacher. It is easy to believe by society that men are most likely fitted to perform better job than women. Men are push to perform high important profession.
Williams, L. Christine. “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the Female Professions.” Men’s Lives. 5th ed. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner. Ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 211-224.Print.
The article explains in a whole that men benefits when decided to take a work environment more suited to women. For instance, a man working in a hospital will look as doctor even though he just might be a male nurse and just for being the guy of the ladies in the work environment the challenge to became the next boss will be reduce to almost zero. The author, Christine Williams, explains made a clear explanation for the process of men success in a ladies work environment, Glass Escalator, most likely a pressure from society that is uphold by men expecting to be the men in charge. The men will usually make hard decisions without putting their own emotions in the game in comparison of women.
Williams did a great research with the assistant of the University of Texas at Austin. She proved the hidden advantages taken by men form women professions with interviews, statistics and data analysis. Her field work showed that in fact men are benefited from women profession.
Williams interviewed a teacher looking a kindergarten teacher “I was recruited immediately to start getting into the track to become an administrator. And it was men who recruited me. It was men that ran the system at that time…”. This statement showed how this article is supporting my thesis that men are push by every factor of society to fit high professions spots instead of women
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