The article “Fathering Paradoxes Contradiction and dilemmas” by Scott Coltrane explains “The weakening of the good-provider model, coupled with trends in fertility, marriage, divorce and custody, has resulted in the average man spending fewer years living with children”(Coltrane 432). This statement is very true. In this riot society we could see how families are more often brake due to the fact of divorces and fights for custody of the kids, many of the cases could be resolved by getting a personal agreement between the finished couple, but instead they look the hard way to finish business.
Being a Father of a child is the most exhausting amazing responsibility that a human being could take. Unfortunately many men don’t think alike, instead they walk away of such of great opportunity because they see it as a disadvantage of their future goals or curfews of time in parties. Women instead being so pride after a good marriage walk away too, leaving behind new born babies or grown kids in peruse of their happiness. The author explained what a model of a father is for our society “The ideal father at mid-century was seen as a good provider who set a good table, provided a decent home paid the mortgage, bought shoes and kept his children warmly clothed” (Coltrane 436). Maybe the society is right but not right for everybody, I remembered my dad being all that but he never was there when I needed, not even now. So, if we took a close look to this statement, the author supports the idea of a good providers, meaning the one that put food on a families table or the one that pays the bills or the one that buys cloths for the kids. All materialistic speaking, What happened with one that helps you to do homework?, the one that reads you stories at night so you can fall sleep, or even the one that shows you how to change the oil of the car?. In this materialistic society the perfect father have to be a materialistic role model.
The importance of the present of the father in a child’s life is essential. The author showed “Pre-school children with fathers who perform 40% or more of the within family child care show more cognitive competence, more internal locus of control, more empathy, and less gender stereotype than preschools with less involved fathers” (Coltrane 441). Social development is crucial in a child’s life because that is going to define whether will do well or bad in making decisions in the future.
Being a father is not only buy expensive stuff for the kid, but to be the mentor of life during their entire life.
Coltrane, Scott. Fathering Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemas. Ed. M. Coleman. Third ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2004. Print.
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